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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Infective Endocarditis, Acute -Days to weeks most dire outcome Abscess (Has nowhere to go but through the heart), Higher virulence organisms especially Staphylococcus aureus, Staph is still most common bug although Poly microbial and gram negatives are, Right sided heart infectino more common and usually Tricuspid valve, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS often affects Valves, Different bugs ie Less strep, Hospital acquired key bugs Gam negative bacilli, Drug users distinguishing features Staph is still most common bug, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS special cases Group D strep, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS epidemiology trends are a' changin' Different bugs, Valves bugs Strep and staph make majority, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS special cases Hospital acquired, Group D strep k-n-o-w If you see this, think colon cancer!!, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS forms Acute -Days to weeks, Hospital acquired especially w/ indwelling catheters, intratracheal airways, Prosthetic valves infections split based on timing Late (Second 2 months), Valves note difference between Native valves, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS number one bug Viridans Strep, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS forms Sub-acute -Weeks or months, Prosthetic valves major player Staph epidermidis is most common